Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy with Michelle Cheesbrough

therapeutic yoga at Yoga Glow Studio BecclesThose who wish to develop their natural wellbeing may find yoga therapy a useful route. My nursing experience and yoga therapy training have given me a broad knowledge and insight into health issues enabling me to bridge the gap between complementary and conventional medicine. Yoga therapy has been included on the NHS register of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners. People may be taught one-to-one or in a therapy group setting.

Yoga therapy may help with many issues, particularly the management of chronic health conditions. It can be appropriate for a wide range of ages and lifestyles as well as those looking for a healthier way of life. All that is needed from the participant is the desire to help her or himself and the willingness to practise regularly.

Through practising a yoga therapy programme the participant may, for example, become more aware of posture and breathing. She/he may also find regular practice can help to promote relaxation, aid sleep and relieve tension and manage pain; it may help to contribute to an increased sense of wellbeing and a positive mood.

In the initial consultation a medical history will be taken to assess the individual needs of each person. The body, posture, simple movements and the breath may be observed and issues and concerns discussed. Working with yoga therapeutically is about the whole person.

yoga therapy is about the whole personAn assessment of how yoga therapy may help will be discussed before planning and teaching a practice tailored to the needs of the individual. A Yoga practice will be designed to accommodate health problems, constitution and circumstances. Practices may include one or more of a range of techniques such as posture work, breathing, relaxation, working with sound, reflection, and/or meditation. It is this unique combination that brings about a sense of wellbeing and relief. A number of sessions may be needed to confirm safe and appropriate practice. In the follow up appointments more time will be spent practicing and refining your routine, helping you to gain independence in your practice. New practices will be introduced if appropriate and any queries will be clarified. You will be encouraged to find a place and time to practice at home.

Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council registered

Yoga offers us a holistic approach, providing us with ‘tools’ to cope with the daily challenges in life.

These are some of the conditions where yoga therapy can help

  • ME
  • MS
  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Structural and postural problems
  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Children with attention problems and structural problems like scoliosis
  • Menopausal problems
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Panic attacks

Cost of Yoga Therapy

Initial consultation: £45.00 for 1 hour 15 minutes
Follow up Appointments: £40.00 for 1 hour

Yoga Therapy Group Setting

Michelle runs ongoing restorative classes for people with limited movement, chronic health conditions, stress and anxiety.

Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs

Latest research from the British Wheel of Yoga on back-care through yoga.



Yoga Glow Studio, Beccles

welcome to wellbeing in Beccles

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