Michelle’s book – Helping Children with Yoga: A Guide for Parents and Teachers, which she co-wrote with Sarah Woodhouse – supports the charity, Right From the Start.
For parents, grandparents and teachers. Introducing yoga for children at home and at school. Energy for life, through inner calm, confidence and self regulation.
We live in an age which is increasingly one of health consciousness, especially as we begin to get older and slower, but we don’t think as much about establishing great health and vitality at a really early age. Yoga promotes both physical and mental well-being and has no age barriers at either end. If, for example, a parent does yoga, they may never have really thought about offering this option to their offspring, but there is actually no reason why they shouldn’t, and great reasons why they should. This book serves as a first introduction to the subject for both parents and teachers who wish to introduce kids to yoga.
“This is a fantastic book. Children are natural yogis and with the guidance given in this book, they will quickly rediscover what they already know…The title of the book, Helping Children with Yoga, shows humility and heart on the part of the authors. Using their experience of working with children they gently guide the parent, carer, teacher through a wide range of yoga practices, clearly and simply explained, presented easily to children….There are lots of creative ideas…photos and drawings are beautiful and there is a useful glossary and available resources section at the end. ‘Full’ would be a word to describe this book and I would like to see it on every coffee table as I think it could help the child in us all. I wish this book the success it merits.” Sw. Vedantananda Saraswati
Preface by Yehudi Menuhin: “It is my fervent hope that this beautifully prepared book about teaching yoga practice to children will be taken up by teachers, by parents and by leaders of children’s clubs, and used widely and well. They will find in it nothing but inspiration, satisfaction and an abiding source of energy and calm both for their own lives as well as for the children with whom they share it.”
The book is available to buy at Yoga Glow Studio for £11.99. You can also order it from Amazon.

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